Stolen banhammers

one winter day at trollpasta wiki admin told that someone stole all banhammers and said:who finds a thief will become admin
so i went to find the thief,while having pokeball
and out of nowhere a gym guard blocked me to pass but i threw pokeball at him so i can have partner in adventure
i capture following stuff with master ball:crash bandicoot,magikarp,howtobasic. all had lvl over 100
i found a banhammer thief who sent a crashpro 3,tho used crash bandicoot song but my howtobasic used food porn(attack was censored) causing crashpro3 getting laid
thief used spin attack
howtobasic used massive chicken rape:causing crashpro3 to almost faint(pokemon had nly 20 hp left),the thief was laid too
i used pokeball on thiefs pokemon
because of being laid thief didnt block pokeball
the banhammer thief was banned,killed by skeleton
howtobasic leveled up to lvl 355
i returned stoled banhammers to admin
and got promoted to admin
and then i saw patrixxx in 7 feet grass
the end